Local GovernmentNews

Development on Etzler Road Effectively Killed, For Now

Greenfield Meadows, a proposed development on Etzler Road, appears to be stalled indefinitely after the Board of Supervisors decided not to change the county’s Comprehensive Plan so the project could be brought onto public water and sewer facilities.

Without this change, the project is effectively ended, according to correspondence with Amsterdam District Supervisor Steve Clinton after the meeting. Clinton moved to deny the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan and the vote was unanimous.

Greenfield Meadows, LLC. on behalf of Elizabeth Ann Demaury and Michael & Melinda Amos, have been attempting to construct another major development similar to Daleville Town Center on 108 acres on Etzler Road, directly across from the Greenfield Sports Complex. The proposed Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) could have contained as many as 175 single-family dwellings, 618 multi-family residential units, and 70,000 square feet of commercial/retail use.

However, the scope of the project indicated problems with traffic as indicated by studies performed by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). The development would have adversely affected the intersection of U.S. 220 and Catawba Road as well as other roads in the area.

The developers and landowners could still subdivide the property under its present zoning, but that would allow for large lot single-family dwellings only. Other options include a rezoning request for a residential neighborhood that would require less acreage and add more single-family dwellings.

Future plans for the property are unknown at this time.

                                                — Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee