Bank of Fincastle will hold 5K-10K Virtual Fall Run/Walk this year

34 Years! Wow how time flies! With much consideration, research and input from our community, coaches and school officials, we have decided that our race this year will be a 5k Virtual Run/Walk. Social distancing guidelines and our concern for the safety of our community and the many staff, volunteers and the students and families who participate in our race, influenced our decision to hold the event virtually this year. Of course we are disappointed not to be able to continue with our tradition of running together, however we hope this year is just a small bump in the road.
Please bear with us as we work out all the details for this year. This is new to all of us. Here are the details as they stand today. As always we value your input and would love to hear any suggestions you may have. If I can help in any way, please let me know.
We welcome The Botetourt Rotary Club who will join us this year as a co-coordinator/sponsor/presenter of the race. The Bank of Fincastle will remain the Title Sponsor. We are excited to get more businesses/individuals involved in the race this year as well. We will have t-shirt sponsorships available for your logo, name, runner’s name, team name, etc., to appear on the back of the shirt. You may also sponsor one of the Virtual Awards. CLICK HERE TO REQUEST SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION!
Q&A for runners
Where do the proceeds from the race go? In past years due to the cost of the shirts, trophies, timing, advertising, etc., the event has been less than break even, and the Bank has been covering extra expenses. As our title event, and commitment to community, we have been proud to do so. The Bank of Fincastle awards $2000 in scholarships to students from James River and Lord Botetourt. This year, we are adding sponsorships to the event so that more proceeds will be available to go to the Botetourt Rotary and the charities they choose. We have always kept our entry fees lower than most all races so that students and families can afford to participate. We will do the same this year.
Will we get swag? Yes! You will receive a custom long sleeve t-shirt. We will order youth medium and youth large shirts as well as all adult sizes again this year. Trophies will still be presented to the schools with the greatest number of participants and the greatest percentage of student’s participating.
Where to we pick up our swag? You may pick it up at our Daleville Branch on Monday, September 28 and Tuesday, September 29 between 4 and 7. A tent will be set up outside or we may be set up inside the branch, depending on the state of the pandemic at that time. Be sure, when you register, to allow emails from our race.
What are the race details? You can complete your Bank of Fincastle VIRTUAL Fall Run at ANY TIME and ANY PLACE between Thursday, October 1 at 9am and Saturday, October 17 at 5pm. We encourage you to choose a safe place to run. Online registration opens August 1, 2020.
Where do we submit our results? Instructions will be sent out to all registered participants on how to submit your results. Results can be submitted anytime between October 1, 2020 at 9am and October, 17, 2020 at 5pm.
2020 Race Awards
This year we will have new virtual awards. Please submit photos to participate!
-Best selfie award wearing your race shirt
-Most family members award wearing your race shirts
-Favorite school team picture (please remember social distancing)
-Best picture with your race shirt at a Botetourt Landmark
-Runner from Farthest Away wearing his/her race shirt
-First Runner to post a time
Judges will be members of our Race Committee and Botetourt Rotary.
How to Enter the Virtual Awards
1. SNAP a picture of yourself wearing your race shirt, your family in their race shirts, etc.
2. Post and tag @bankoffincastle AND @BotetourtRotaryClub on Facebook and or Instagram. Or email your picture to if you don’t have social media or you prefer privacy.
Awards will be announced as soon as possible after the close of the race! Thank you for participating in our Bank of Fincastle Virtual 5k Run/Walk 2020. Happy and safe running and walking to all!
–Cindy Baily, Marketing Director Bank of Fincastle