Billy Martin goes to Washington

Dr. Amy Johnson of Bedford and Billy Martin
Washington D.C. – On July 16, Board of Supervisors Chairman Billy Martin was at the White
House for the President’s presentation on rolling back regulations. Martin was invited to
attend this White House event by President Donald Trump through the Virginia Association
of Counties (VACo). Martin serves as the Regional Director of VACo, where he is constantly
looking for ways to elevate VACo, Botetourt, and the region.
Martin and County Administrator Gary Larrowe attended the White House event on the
South Lawn of the White House along with state legislators and other county
representatives from across the nation. Martin said, “This was a once in a lifetime invitation
that I had to accept. Being at the White House with the President, Vice President, and five
Cabinet Members was simply amazing. I felt exceptionally proud to represent Botetourt and VACO

–Submitted by Cody Sexton