Scholarships awarded by BTCWC

Two $500 scholarships were recently awarded to Botetourt seniors by the Botetourt Town and Country Women’s Club. These scholarships were awarded based on the applicants’ scholastic achievements as well as their involvement in the community and their volunteerism. Kaile Anne Judge from Lord Botetourt High School will be attending Christopher Newport University and plans to major in Business Management with a double major in Leadership and Marketing. On her application she said that her goal after college is to start her own business based around the awareness of mental health and the prevention of suicide or work for a nonprofit with this type of focus. Ashlee Woldman from James River High School will be attending West Virginia University to pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering. She said that her ultimate goal is to earn a PhD that will give her the opportunity to create prosthetics and 3D printed organs and work with both doctors and patients. Submitted by Julie Gladu, BTCWC |