Tips for re-opening on May 15 and Covid-19 Mailer

With the Governor of Virginia scheduled May 15 for Phase 1 of the Coronavirus re-opening. US District 6 House of Representatives Ben Cline sent out a mailer this week for steps to watch for the virus symptoms and precautions to remain safe. Please look at the photo above or your mailer.
Northern Virginia will not re-open in Phase 1 as it is still experiencing a serious outbreak. Richmond was granted a waiver May 14 not to re-open. Botetourt County has seen at least 33 cases
Phase one allows hair salons, small group settings in restaurants,churches, stores and Farmer’s Markets to open with guidelines on social distancing and safe practices.
For more see www.virginia,gov/coronavirus/forwardvirginia/phase one
–Cathy Benson