Lord Botetourt Class of 2020 Information

May 17 Baccalaureate Service: Bonsack Baptist Church 3:00 PM
● Students should wear caps and gowns for this service.
● The Baccalaureate service will be a drive-up church service. Please follow the directions given to you as you enter the parking lot.
● Tune your radio to 88.1 FM
● A special thanks to Bonsack Baptist Church and Orchard Hills Church for coordinating the event.
May 18, 2020 Lord Botetourt High School On-Line Graduation Ceremony 7:00 pm
● The online graduation will be accessible on the school and division websites.
● Enjoy with your family and friends.
● A Graduation Program will be posted as well. The ceremony will include: ○ Processional Music ○ National Anthem ○ Speeches from students, school leaders, and a special guest. ○ Roll Call with Pictures ○ Confirmation of Graduates ○ Recessional Music
● We know an online ceremony does not replace an in-person ceremony. An in-person ceremony will take place as soon as possible
May 20-21 Diploma Pickup and Drop off School Items (May 20, 12-2 pm and May 21, 2-4 pm)
● Students should wear caps and gowns for this event.
● Students and families will enter the South Entrance and follow directions. Students will be able to drop off Chromebooks, textbooks, library books, athletic uniforms and pay any outstanding debts in the front parking lot.
● Vehicles will turn left at the north end parking lot and proceed through the North End Gate and follow directions.
● Students will pick up their diploma, awards, honor cords, tassels, and senior add pictures around back. Students will also have a special photo opportunity at this time taken by a Lifetouch Photographer. Vehicles will then proceed to the south exit by the practice field.
Other Class of 2020 Recognitions
● The LB Cavalier Stadium lights will be turned on each night beginning on Friday, May 15th through Monday, May 18th. The lights will be turned on each night at 8:20 pm (20:20) for twenty minutes to honor the Lord Botetourt Class of 2020.
● The Lord Botetourt Yearbook Staff has provided several pictures to the K92 FM Radio Station. The station will be working to provide a Shout-Out to the LB Class of 2020 and pictures will be posted on the K92 Facebook page.
● From June 1st through June 7th the Salem Civic Center will honor the LB Class of 2020 by listing all graduates on their digital marquee.
● Awards and scholarships will be posted on school website
–Submitted by Lord Botetourt High School