James River

JRHS Class of 2020 will cruise through Buchanan on May 17- 1:30 -4:30 pm

Class of 2020 we salute you!

The James River Seniors 2020 have a supportive group behind them!

The parents, friends and family have organized a fun event to celebrate the James River High School Class of 2020. It is this Sunday May 17. The community is invited to participate. social distancing required.

From the James River Seniors 2020 FB page:

The parents and students of JRHS Class of 2020 will be celebrating their graduation with “KNIGHT CRUISE 2020”. The event will be held immediately following their Baccalaureate service at Limestone. After the service, parents will leave first and find a place to park. The route will be from Limestone Park, through the Town of Buchanan, down Lowe Street and then back to Limestone. Parents should find a place to park along this route and REMAIN IN THEIR CARS. After parents have left Limestone, students will follow the fire trucks through the same route. Once students are through the route, they’re free to go their separate ways.

We have enlisted the help of local photographers who will be catching the awesome shots of our kids. They’ll post these on social media for FREE and their help will allow us to remain in our vehicles. The Sheriff’s department said that this event is a legal as long as we do not socialize outside of our cars.

Students are welcome to decorate cars, hats or even masks!

We would love the support of the JRHS community to show love for such a great group of graduates!

The parents and students of JRHS Class of 2020 will be celebrating their graduation with “KNIGHT CRUISE 2020”. The event will be held immediately following their Baccalaureate service at Limestone. After the service, parents will leave first and find a place to park. The route will be from Limestone Park, through the Town of Buchanan, down Lowe Street and then back to Limestone. Parents should find a place to park along this route and REMAIN IN THEIR CARS. After parents have left Limestone, students will follow the fire trucks through the same route. Once students are through the route, they’re free to go their separate ways.

We have enlisted the help of local photographers who will be catching the awesome shots of our kids. They’ll post these on social media for FREE and their help will allow us to remain in our vehicles. The Sheriff’s department said that this event is a legal as long as we do not socialize outside of our cars.

Students are welcome to decorate cars, hats or even masks!

We would love the support of the JRHS community to show love for such a great group of graduates!

There is also an Adopt a JRHS senior page on Facebook!

–Cathy Benson