Greenfield Meadows tabled for 90 Days

Meadows, a proposed development on Etzler Road, remains in limbo for another 90 days after the Board of Supervisors tabled its request for changes to the county’s comprehensive plan to accommodate the large neighborhood development.
Greenfield Meadows, LLC. on behalf of Elizabeth Ann Demaury and Michael & Melinda Amos asked the Supervisors to consider amendments to the comprehensive plan that would establish a Medium Density Residential Future Land Use designation for the 108 acres (two parcels) and show the expansion of public sewer and water to the parcels. The applicant stated that the purpose of this request is in support of a rezoning to Traditional Neighborhood District (TND). The rezoning request has been filed but is not yet considered complete.
The proposed development would contain 175 single-family and 618 multi-family residential units, along with 70,000 square feet of commercial/retail use. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has reviewed the traffic impact analysis and as a result of a traffic impact analysis and VDOT’s review, it appears that traffic at the intersection of Route 220 and Catawba Road would be adversely impacted by such a development.
The supervisors tabled the request until the applicant could satisfactorily addresses VDOT’s comments and provides solutions to identified concerns.
— Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee;
File photo Botetourt Icon by Cathy Benson