DSLCC is taking summer and fall schedule registration and applications

Caption: DSLCC registration for fall and summer is underway, despite the campus being closed due to the COVID-19 situation. Classes are being, and will continue to be, delivered online. For more information, call (540) 863-2820 or check the DSLCC website at www.dslcc.edu.
Summer, Fall Registration Underway at DSLCC
Registration for the 2020 summer session and the fall semester at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College is underway. Summer classes are scheduled to begin May 26, and the fall semester is scheduled to begin August 24.
DSLCC classes for the summer session will be delivered completely online, according to the Office of Academic Affairs. DSLCC students will be able to continue coursework and program curriculum in the same manner in which they finished the spring 2020 semester.
“DSLCC faculty, staff, and students transitioned to a fully virtual format in March 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Administration felt very strongly that this was in the best interest of our students and employees,” shared Dr. John Rainone, DSLCC president.
“Despite the Main Campus in Clifton Forge and the Rockbridge Regional Center in Buena Vista being closed due to the COVID-19 situation, staff and faculty have been working from home to ensure that new and returning students may register for classes which are now being delivered online or through alternate means,” says Joe Hagy, Director of Student Services.
Returning students may log in to EAB Navigate through their myDabney portal to schedule an online advising appointment with an advisor in order to register for classes.
New students may call the main campus at (540) 863-2820 to set up a telephone or virtual appointment with an advisor, who can answer questions about financial aid, scheduling, or how classes may be delivered for the summer and fall semesters.
“This is an exciting new opportunity for the College and our community,” says Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Ben Worth. “All of our classes are now being delivered to our students right where they are, on their time schedule, meeting the needs of this new normal.”
The College anticipates a fully virtual format of instruction for the summer session. DSLCC continues to offer the same value in low tuition costs, personalized attention, and small class sizes.
For more information, visit the website at www.dslcc.edu.
==Submitted by Judy Clark, Public Relation, Dabney S. Lancaster Community College