County Public Hearings have remote aspect on April 20

The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors has three public hearings scheduled for April 20, 2020, at the Greenfield Education and Training Center in Daleville.
At 7:00 p.m. the Board will hold a hearing on the effective tax rate as a result of the reassessment and is not proposing to increase the real estate tax rate above the current rate of $0.79 per $100 of valuation. At 7:15 p.m., the Board will hold two hearings on the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget and tax rates. In order to meet legal requirements associated with these meetings, the Board will be holding these meetings remotely with Board members and staff not present together in the meeting room
For those wishing to view the meeting in person or comment in person, social distancing measures will be in place at the Greenfield Education and Training Center. These measures will include spaced seating, limited person-to-person contact, and reduced County staff in attendance. Comments will be limited to three minutes.
Anyone wishing to offer comments to the Board but who does not wish to attend in person to speak during the meeting will have a number of ways to provide comments to the Board. First, those who wish to listen to and/or speak during one of the hearings may call 1-540-300-9110 and enter the code 875778#. An automated operator will answer the call and provide direction for commenting during the hearing. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The line will be open beginning at 6:55 p.m. the evening of the public hearings. This option is only available during the course of the hearing. Second, written comments may be provided at any time through an online form available at:
Comments may be provided for any public hearing. Comments submitted through this form will be provided to the Board members and County Administration. It is encouraged that comments be provided as soon as possible and in advance of the hearing, if possible. Doing so will help ensure that the comments can be incorporated into the record for the Board meeting.
Lastly, any comments can be sent at any time by phone at (540) 928-2006 or by postal mail to County Administrator’s Office, 57 S. Center Drive, Suite 200, Daleville, VA 24083
submitted by Cody Sexton, Botetourt County Admnistrator’s Office