Prestige Gymnastics will Egg Your Yard for Easter!

Easter is April 11.
Eggs will be deposited in your yard the night of Easter Eve!
Eggs are $25 for 35 and 45 for $35 60 for $45
Easter is looking a bit different this year. huh?
While a lot of tradition may be put on pause, church services may be cancelled, and family lunches postponed, we’ve put together just the thing to make your kiddo SMILE on Easter morning!
(No, not in a messy way!)
Here’s how it works…
On the Saturday night before Easter, around 8-10 pm, our staff will make our way to your house, and place goody-filled eggs all throughout your front yard.
On Sunday when the kiddos wake up, they’ll be so surprised to find a yard filled with fun treats and egg hunting!
-All eggs will be sanitized before distributing.
-All staff distributing eggs will be wearing gloves. (In an effort to not use up medical supplies, they will be wearing plastic food grade gloves, not first aid/medial grade gloves.)
-If your family has any gluten, nut, or other allergies, you can make this known and we will happily accommodate you.
-We will not knock on your door, or come in your house at all. We will not announce our arrival. If you see us, try not to make our presence known to your kiddos! We want to make sure your kids are surprised on Easter morning.
-All “Egg My Yard” orders include a custom letter from the Easter Bunny himself. (We’re well connected! đŸ˜‰ )
-We are practicing social distancing! You will have a maximum of TWO staff members “egging your yard.” Probably one, never more than two.
Address: We will “EGG YARDS” within 35 minutes of PGA. If you have a question on this, or special address request, just reach out!
30 eggs: $25
45 eggs: $35
60 eggs: $45
1 PRESTIGE egg: $15
While yes, we are a gymnastics gym, you do not have to be a member with us to participate. In fact, “Egg My Yard” is not gymnastics related at all unless you choose to purchase a “Prestige Egg.”
What is a Prestige Egg you ask? Well that my friends, is top secret. What I can promise you though, is that this special egg is worth $40+ in value and will make both YOU and your athlete VERY HAPPY!
Want to have us “Egg Your Yard”????
Fill out this form:
Happy Easter
From Kayleigh Duffy, Prestige Gymnastics