Amendment to School Budget Public hearing on March 26

Regarding the School Budget Public Hearing on March 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Office Blding on Poor Farm Rd. The meeting has been amended as follows:
Governor Northam has ordered that certain gatherings be limited to 10 people or less. While this public meeting is not one of those gathering places, out of an abundance of caution and for the health and welfare of citizens, we will be limiting the number of people physically present at the meeting to 10. You will still be able to receive this information by streaming our meeting on Facebook. Visit the Botetourt County Public Schools Facebook page and view the live feed. You may participate and ask questions through Facebook Live or you may email any questions ahead of time to LuAnn C. Delosreyes, School Board Clerk at If you choose to email your questions, please make sure that you are a resident of the county. Please send in your name, address, and phone number when you are asking questions.
Submitted by LuAnn Delosreyes, Botetourt County School Board Clerk