
Show us your Senior HS students!

Mikayla Stiltner is a JRHS Senior. She is an artist, a good friend, a Christian and she plans on attending Liberty University.

One of the hardest things about the COVID-19 virus pandemic is all of the school closures. Everyone of us older people know how special our senior year’s were, but even more so the senior year of our children.

A lot of things are being missed like friends and spring sports, field trips perhaps even Prom. This is a really tough time for these young people.

We can’t change what has happened, but we can make an offer. On our FB post with this notice feel free to post your JRHS or LBHS senior’s photo and a brief of what they love about school or sports or music.

Public comments by our readers that acknowledge the wonderful seniors are more than welcome and appreciated.

We are all in this together.

Senior Class of 2020, we are proud of you and all of your accomplishments!

–Cathy Benson The Botetourt View