LOA announces services changes due to Covid-19

I would like to say how heartening your response has been to the current situation. During all conversations it has been very apparent that staff, volunteer and the human service community’s main concern is for the seniors that we serve and the desire to continue full services as long as possible. That speaks well of all above mentioned who view LOA’s mission vital. With that being said we do want everyone to stay healthy including staff, volunteers and our clients.
Please be assured that LOA is closely monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to keep staff, volunteers, clients and the general public healthy, LOA has established an emergency response task force to oversee overall agency and departmental protocols for dealing with the potential threats of the COVID-19 virus.
We are staying in close contact with the Department of Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), CDC, VDH, and Meals on Wheels America (MOWA).
Since LOA serves an at risk population, our offices remain open however we are encouraging all non-emergency services and meetings to be conducted telephonically. LOA staff have heightened our protocols for disinfecting all common areas as well as individual offices. We are utilizing safety protocols including use of gloves when conducting in person and in home services.
LOA has posted all offices with health notices to stop the spread of germs. Any in person appointments are asked a series of questions to determine if there is any risk exposure.
It is our desire to continue full services as long as we deem staff & volunteers can remain safe and healthy. Our goal is to continue all vital services as long as we feel it is safe under guidance of the CDC and VDH. At this point we have minimal interruption of our nutrition services. With the close of the schools systems, congregate diner services have been suspended in Alleghany County. All other Diner sites are operational at this time.
Senior Food Box is being delivered today as well as Meals on Wheels throughout the fifth planning district. We are initiating safety protocols for those delivering meals to protect both the staff and volunteer as well as limiting the spread of germs to our clients. We will also have shelf stable meals going into homes this week to prepare for potential suspension of meals. Events are changing rapidly and we plan to maintain meal service to the most at risk seniors for as long as possible. We applaud our staff and volunteers that are continuing to deliver services.