James River Wrestling wins regional Championship
1st place winners 2nd place winners 3rd place winners James River Knights Region C Champs!
James River Region C Wrestling Champs
1st place photo:Coach Witt, Coach Stewart, Addison McCaleb (182) Jr, Mason Stewart (138) Jr, Timmy Bennett (106) Fr, Chase Cuddy (113) So, Hunter Forbes (145) So, Levi Walker (285) Sr.
2nd place: Coach Witt, Coach Stewart, Caleb Shipwash (160) Sr., Dakota Gilliam (220) So., Coach Cuddy
3rd place: Coach Witt, Coach Stewart, Wesley Ferguson (132) So., Austin Miller (195) Jr., Coach Cuddy
The Knights will participate in the state tournament at Salem Civic Center on Friday and Saturday Feb. 21 and 22nd.
Good Luck!
Photos by Sherry Mayhew and content assisted by Dana McCaleb