Notice: Militia organizational meeting is Feb. 15 in Buchanan

Who: The people of Botetourt County
What: Muster of the unorganized militia
When: February 15th, 1300 hours. (1 p.m.)
Where: Buchanan Flea Market grounds.
Why: To gauge interest in further organizing
The people of Botetourt County to organize and to train in firearms safety and proficiency, medical aid, search and rescue, radio communications, ect. Also, advocacy will be emphasized in becoming more politically active in the county, as well as Virginia. We will have a voting registration table there.
We will be speaking about our approach to the Board of Supervisors concerning an addendum to our 2A sanctuary resolution to recognize “The Unorganized Militia”. Then eventually the prospect of the county creating an ordinance to include the Militia in the County Emergency Preparedness plan, alongside FIRE/EMS, Law Enforcement, ect.
Thank you,
Scott Booher, Buchanan, VA
Please add myself to upcoming meetings an times .
Mike contact Scott Booher through his FB page and I am sure he will be happy to include you in the information stream.