Wind Turbine Open House set for Feb. 10 in Eagle Rock
The Botetourt County Department of Community Development’s staff will be holding an educational community open house in order to receive input on the development of proposed text amendments to the County’s Utility Scale Wind Energy Ordinance on Monday, February 10, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Eagle Rock Elementary School. At the open house, County staff will present information and answer questions from the interested public. There will also be an opportunity to give written comments at or following the meeting. The feedback gathered will be used by staff to assist in developing the proposed text amendments.
As a result of an applicant’s request to increase the height of proposed wind turbines in a utility scale wind energy project, the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors directed Community Development staff to review the County’s current ordinance and research and develop proposed text amendments. This community open house is a part of staff’s work on the project, and the input received will be used by staff to inform their work.
Once the proposed text amendments are developed, the Botetourt County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors both will hold public hearings at later dates prior to making any changes to the ordinance.
No public hearings will be held at this community open house.
Open House Details
February 10, 2020 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Eagle Rock Elementary School – Cafeteria 145 Eagles Nest Drive Eagle Rock, VA 24085

submitted by Cody Sexton, Botetourt County