Local GovernmentNews

Board of Supervisors re-organized

Billy Martin remains as Chairman of the Board and Dr. Mac Scothorn is vice chairman


Martin                   Board Chairman    

Dr. Scothorn           Board Vice-Chmn.  

Martin                 Roanoke Regional PartnershipMr. Martin            Martin           Social Services Board     

 Clinton               Parks and Rec                          

Sloan            Planning Commission

Clinton          Library Board     

Sloan           Transp. Safety Comm.  

Martin           TAP Board    

Dr. Bailey                     Econ. Dev. Authority                                                      

Sloan                       Fire & EMS Committee     

Clinton                 RVARC CEDS                  

Mr. Clinton                 RVARC Transp. Planning  

  Dr. Bailey &              Agric. Projects Comm.                                  

All Board               All Board             General Fund Budget

Martin               General Fund Budget

Clinton           Dr. Bailey           Subcommittee                                             

John Williamson        Budget Committee citizen rep.

Dr. Scothorn &        School Budget                                             

Dr. Bailey                     School Budget Committee

Larrowe         GL/ML             Parliamentari

Lockaby County Attorne

Larrowe             Clerk to the Board

Fain                     Dep. Clerk to the Board

Submitted by Cody Sexton, Botetourt County