2020 is Botetourt’s 250th Anniversary year!

2020—A Year of Celebration in Botetourt County
WHEREAS, by Act of Division enacted by the House of Burgesses of the Colony of Virginia on the 27th day of November, 1769, and assented to by the Royal Governor of said Colony in the Council Chamber on the 21st day of December, 1769, effective the 31st day of January, 1770, the County and Parish of Botetourt was created and so named in honor of Norborne Berkeley, Lord Botetourt, Royal Governor of the Colony of Virginia…(1st paragraph of 250th Proclamation from the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors)
Botetourt County is poised and ready to celebrate its 250th Anniversary, or Sestercentennial, beginning with a county-wide event on February 1, 2020, at Lord Botetourt High School from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. February 1, 1770, was the first day business was conducted in the newly formed Botetourt County. It is fitting we celebrate our county’s chronicled beginning with an event open to everyone. Brent Watts, from WDBJ 7, will serve as the Master of Ceremonies. The Honorable Malfourd “Bo” Trumbo will deliver the historical address. Also included in this initial event will be various offerings of music from school children, a church choir, and local talent, as well as historical orations, displays from the four libraries about their communities, artifacts of historical importance, presentations from EMS and the sheriff’s department, and the Boy Scouts. The celebration will conclude with a birthday party and the presentation of the Botetourt County’s 250th Anniversary Magazine, written and edited by Anita Firebaugh.
Two other large, county-wide events have been planned, which are also free to the public. On May 30, 2020, from 10 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. there will be a ceremony to place the 250th monument on the Botetourt County Courthouse grounds. Music, historical presentations, tours of the historic buildings and museum, and entertainment will be part of this event, with food trucks available in the Courthouse area. A nod to today’s Botetourt County will be held at the Blue Ridge Vineyard in Eagle Rock on September 20, 2020, from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. A well-known band, Stone Canyon, will be providing the music. There will be suitable and fun activities for children with a Master of Ceremonies to keep the party going. Food trucks from local businesses will also be available.
The charge given to the appointed 250th Anniversary Committee co-chairs was to encourage and coordinate the many activities of the towns, organizations, civic groups, churches, businesses, and individuals to celebrate their activities as participants in Botetourt County’s 250th Anniversary. A calendar of events is now on the Botetourt County website. Events are added as the committee is given the information. To access the 250th Anniversary Celebration Calendar, go to botetourtva.gov and click on Quicklinks.
Already on the calendar are events and celebrations from towns, organizations, and communities. Two, days-long events featuring our county’s past include the March 28-29, 2020, 18th Century Encampment at Greenfield, an interpretation of the way of life in the early settlement of Botetourt County headed up by Danny Kyle and the Fincastle/Montgomery County Militia, and the Botetourt County Genealogy and History Fair 2020, running July 9-12, 2020, at Breckinridge Elementary School. Rena Worthen and Greg Rieley, with the Botetourt County Genealogy Club, are spearheading this educational and entertaining exposition.
Cathy Benson will be entertaining the community with little-known facts about Botetourt County. Every week she plans to submit five Botetourt County facts to both the Fincastle Herald and The Botetourt Bee.
The 250th Seal was created by Lauren Rakes, a student at Lord Botetourt. It is available for use by any business or group. It can be found on the county’s website. Decals with the 250th seal are available now and will be given out at most events.
The 250th Anniversary Committee co-chairs spent a majority of their time in 2019 planning and organizing the three, large county-wide events, coordinating with groups and individuals to place their special activities on the 250th calendar, meeting with county officials, working with the advertising committee for the magazine, and working with Anita Firebaugh on the content and layout of the celebration magazine. The magazine will be available at no charge. The business community, as well as many families, civic organizations, and churches, offered their sponsorship and support in this endeavor.
The year 2020 will be a busy and interesting time for our county. Botetourt County is fortunate to have so many people who are knowledgeable about its rich history and are willing to share their time and talents to educate others. It is an exciting time in Botetourt County as we HONOR OUR HISTORY, ENJOY OUR PRESENT, AND SHAPE OUR FUTURE.
To help groups and organizations with advertising and celebrating their events, the committee has yard signs and banners that may be used at no cost. Simply contact one of the co-chairs and the signs and banners will be brought to you.
If there is an event that anyone or any group would like to place on the 250th calendar site, also please contact one of the co-chairs.
Contact information for the 250th Anniversary Committee co-chairs is as follows:
Angela Coon angelap.coon@gmail.com
Lois Switzer blswitz@ntelos.net
Donna Vaughn dpvx4@yahoo.com
Wendy Wingo wilwingo@comcast.net
–Submitted by the 250th Anniversary Committee, Photo by Cathy Benson
Exciting news!
Sounds wonderful! I’ll help get the word out in Oriskany!
Thanks Carol!