VDOT Road Watch this week Jan. 3-9

(UPDATED 1-3-20) * ROUTE 685 BRIDGE REPAIRS OVER CRAIG CREEK – Work is underway to repair the bridge on Route 685 (Ball Park Road) over Craig Creek. This is located near the intersection of Route 615 (Craig Creek Road). Temporary lane closures may also be in place with flaggers controlling traffic at various times.
· Starting on January 5, 2020, there will be nightly road closures for repairs to the bridge for the work being done. The work will be performed on Sunday through Thursday nights from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. There will be limitations for access to the bridge at times and some delays while equipment and materials are moved and placed. Pedestrian access across the bridge will be available.This phase of work will continue until mid-March.
(NEW 12-13-19) * ROUTE 603 ROAD CLOSURE – Route 603, Zimmerman Road, in Botetourt County, is closed to through traffic for a rural rustic project. The 0.4 mile rural rustic project will be performed on Route 603, Zimmerman Road, from West Road to Pebble Road, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The work will consist of cross and driveway pipe replacements to improve drainage, slope and shoulder work and placing a hard surface on the roadway. Due to the narrow, steep and curvy work zone area, the road is expected to be closed to through traffic for approximately six to eight weeks. Residents in the area will have access to their homes, but should expect delays. Signs will alert drivers of the closure. Once the drainage and slope work on the project is complete in 2019, surface treatment on the road will be performed in spring 2020.
submitted by Jen Ward, Public Relations , VDOT Salem Office