Top stories in 2019 on The Botetourt Bee

Matt Ward announcing for Sheriff and subsequent updates through to the election were the top hit getters on the digital screen this year. The Botetourt Bee found the all election news to be of interest to our citizens.
Here are some other stories that Botetourt read in big numbers:
Altec employees honored for saving co-worker
Lord Botetourt football team through the season and road to states
Lord Botetourt girl’s volleyball state championship
Development proposal for Etzler Road
Ballast Point restaurant closure
2nd Amendment Sanctuary county
Sheetz Grand Opening
Scripture Truth Bookstore opening
Major Delbert Dudding retirement from the Sheriff’s Dept.
VDOT polinator field at Exit 150
Help Joe Sell
Dedication of the Addy Grace playground at the Botetourt YMCA
School Superintendent Dr. Lisa Chen’s first 100 days
At the Botetourt Bee we know a few things about you. You like to enter our site on your phone through our FB page. 95% of you are local. We have a number of readers in China, Japan, the UK, Australia and India, too.
Our columnists received plenty of hits this year. Courtney Henderson’s farm stories by far get loads of page views. Anita Firebaugh, Robyn Flint, Thomas Ayers and Priscilla Richardson all contribute different voices to our success.
We get many submitted stories from the community, local business, and governmental stories as well. Jen Ward at VDOT and her Road Watch are huge in keeping us informed and you readers check it out when she sends us news. Anything that happens on I-81 has our readers interested and commenting on FB. We really appreciate all our contributers!
You shared pages, especially lost cats this year, and many community drives like the Fish Fry, BBQ Chicken, Pork Chop BBQ, Buchanan Carnival, Open Studios Botetourt, music, local activities and philanthropy like to help Joe Sell.
Matt Ward and Dana McCaleb had the most individual shares. As a group Altec employees who saved their co-worker had many, many shares. You love sports–especially LBHS football. Both high school bands at Lord Botetourt and James River get photos, videos and stories shared!
You really like photographs and videos, too. From sports to sunrises to a 32 year old pony standing in the sun. Videos of music, awards, sporting events all were viewed many times!
Happy New Year!
Lord Boteourt’d undefeated regular season was a point of pride in the county. 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County filled the auditorium and two additional tooms at the Nov. Board of Supervisors meeting. Altec employees honored for saving their co-worker
–Cathy Benson, story and The Botetourt Bee photos