Botetourt History Museum has calendars, 250th anniversary Cat’s Meow and more
Weldon Martin Ornaments 250 Anniversary Calendar Loretta Wolfe with Cat’s Meow
Weldon Martin the Executive Director of the Botetourt County History Museum saod, “The museum has plenty to offer for the local history buff. We have over 135 historic documents, maps and books.”
There are a number of interesting exhibts to see as well.
The 2020 calendar is a 250th Anniversary Calendar designed by Ann Layman. With the Botetourt 250th anniversary around the corner in 2020, a really neat Cat’s Meow was commissioned with historic locations on the front and history on the back.
There are of course ornaments, history books and maps for sale as well.
The Museum is open Mon-Sat 10-2 and Sunday 2-4