Scripture Truth Book Co. opens Fincastle retail store
The Brodsky Family Children can play while parents shop The warehouse Keegan Brodsky Shelves books in the store. Bethany Brodsky points out a shipping crate book shelf Home decor as well
A new retail business has opened at 484 Botetourt Rd just North of the Sheriff’s Department. “Scripture Truth Book Co. has been in business since 1956,” said Jason Brodsky. Started by MV Brodsky, it has been a family owned business first with his son Phil, and now with Greg, Jason and other family members.
The new retail store is sure to fill the void left by Lifeway Christian store’s closure last year amd will be a destination in Fincastle for Roanoke Valley shoppers and beyond.
Bethany Brodsky gave a tour. Everyone in the family was working in the business from to the grandchildren to Phil, the Brodsky Patriarch. Even Judy Brodsky, Phil’s wife was entering pricing into the computer.
What can be said is simply, ” Wow!”
Like a kid in a toy store it was hard to take notes, the urge huge to stop to browse the multiple selections of gifts and books. Ooh– the Christian reading materials from Bibles, to Bible Studies, Concordances, Devotionals, Childrens books, Christian fiction, books, music, movies, puzzles — the list is long! Something for every one is within the walls of Scripture Truth!
Bethany pointed out, ” We want our customers to feel we appreciate them. Kind of like in the old days when people were waited on, trying on shoes. At the end of the trip, the customer felt appreciated. We want to do the same thing. The Lord has blessed us.” Indeed Jason busily helped customers as they walked into the store. He checked out purchases on a counter made from a neighbor’s old shed and a counter top that was once a school door!
Seasonally, there are Christmas decorations, cards, home decor, flags and much more. One great feature, they can custom imprint a special Bible right on premises. You can buy a gift, have it wrapped, and shipped where ever you need for the shipping costs, plus a materials fee. A one stop shop!
They know how to do it right at Scripture Truth. The store is set up with a ramp, wide walk ways and accessible shelving for people with disabilities. There is a children’s section with a table and chairs and places to sit. A play area under a high table is much fun like a play fort! Moreover, they took extra special care to provide family friendly and clean restrooms.
There are some shelves that have a special history. They are made of wooden book crates from Oxford Press that carried books to Scripture Truth for distribution in the 60s.
The warehouse became part book store which the Brodsky family with help, assembled over a period of time. It is a spacious store with plenty to peruse. In the back, a warehouse functions like it has since 1956. Shipping and receiving books all around!
Hours are 9-6 Mon-Fri and 9-3 on Saturdays.
By all means, it is worth the trip to go see what they have in the store! Plus Fincastle has places to eat like Leonardos and The Fincastle Cafe, The Pie Lady and Heritage Market to take home epicurian delights. The Botetourt County History Museum is open for a tour of Botetourt’s history, so make a day of it!
Fincastle Town Manager David Tickner said, “We are pleased to have this retail outlet and book warehouse open in Fincastle. It will add a new dimension to the town.”
Story and photos Cathy Benson (except of Keegan. By Bethany Brodsky.)

Thank you, Cathy, for the news article about Scripture Truth’s retail store in Fincastle. Though we have been in business since the ’50’s, it was basically a mail order business and many were not aware of us. Now with our new location in Fincastle on 220 and with the publicity you gave us last week we have had great response to the new retail location.
Thank you, from all of us at Scripture Truth’
Judy Brodsky
As a community newspaper, we always want to highlight our community and your new retail location is a great addition to Botetourt County! Continued success to Scripture Truth! –Cathy Benson, Editor
So many people are down-loading books these days and are losing the wonderful feel of holding a book in their hands. Children love to be read to and back-lit screens are doing great damage to their developing eyes. This is where you want to browse and touch those beautifully colored books and select treasures that they can mail for you on the spot!! So grab your address book and go find a beloved book and send it to your BFF for no reason at all – except that you want to shop local, you love books, and you want to share the love with the special people in your life. There are words of Life at this store! Come and get ’em!!