Del. Terry Austin spoke at Chamber of Commerce Roundtable

Del. Terry Austin spoke to important issues not only to Botetourt Business, but also to Botetourt Citizens. The chamber held the Roundtable event at the Boxley office buiding in Blue Ridge on Friday morning Nov. 22. Over 40 people attended the meeting. Every thing from Broadband, the power grid to Agriculture had tables detailing what is going on in the area.
Austin detailed the plans and financing for I-81 improvements. The 7% gas tax plus taxes on diesel and the trucking industry will bring in about $160, 000, 000 dollars per year for the much needed improvements. I-81 has a huge impact on Botetourt County.
Austin gave a few details. He said, “Two lanes will be added one, north and one south from Exit 150 to the Wildwood Rd. Exit in Salem.” He hopes the construction will be done in the next 5- 10 years.
He stressed economic development in Western Virginia. Not only does Northern Virginia and Tidewater have the bulk of the population, over 60 % of the business economy is located there.
“This area of Virginia from Staunton south only has 12 delegates. Fairfax County has 12 delegates, ” he noted.
Austin has been good at working with both parties as a Republican. “Cooperation on both sides of the aisle is a must.” He explained how the Democrats act now that they control everything, is going to come up in two years when there are elections again.