Botetourt’s Tess Seibel as National FFA as Eastern Region VP

Tess Seibel is a nursing major at James Madison University, where her career goal is to become a rural nurse practitioner. She was raised on her family’s beef cattle farm and vineyard operation in Bonsack. She is a 2017 graduate of Lord Botetourt High School and served as the Virginia State FFA President from 2017-2018.
She has been involved in FFA since sixth grade, during which time she participated in public speaking events, the FFA Agriscience Fair, and attended various leadership conferences.
Each year, the National FFA Organization selects six student members to represent the organization as a national FFA officer.
The primary responsibility of a national officer is to serve the organization in local, state, national and international activities in a way that will inform, motivate and inspire FFA members, advisors, state staff, teachers and others to achieve the mission, strategies and core goals of the organization.
National officers dedicate one year of service with the organization. The time is spent representing student membership during meetings with the National FFA Board of Directors, facilitating workshops that bring leadership and knowledge to FFA members, delivering motivational speeches and serving as advocates for FFA on a global scale.
— Submitted by Tess Seibel, photo National FFA