
McCaleb gives more thanks for election win

Dana McCaleb is Fincastle elect School board member

Dear Readers,

Since we are in the season for thankfulness, I would like to begin by offering my sincere thanks to the voters in Fincastle and Eagle Rock.  The voter turnout revealed that our community is truly vested in the education of our children.  I am grateful to every citizen who cast their vote in support of education whether that vote was for me or one of my opponents.  I appreciate your care for our school system. 

I am also thankful for the other candidates who each possess a strong desire to be involved in our community.  It is not easy to put oneself out there in such a public forum, so I give credit to Dr. Beth Leffel and Daniel Angell for doing so. 

With the election over, I am looking forward to beginning the hard work of representing this community’s vision for our schools.  In the past few months, I have heard from many of you about STEM classes, Agricultural Education, fine arts, foreign languages, special education, transportation, and healthcare to name a few concerns.  I hope you will continue to reach out to me with your educational concerns and ideas.  With your help, we can foster open communication, improve partnerships throughout the county, increase transparency and keep Botetourt County Schools among the top-rated systems in the state. 

Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve. 

Dana McCaleb