Letter to the Editor from BEA endorses candidates for school board

To the Editor,
The Botetourt Education Association Political Action Committee (BEA-PAC) is pleased to announce its endorsement of candidates for the Botetourt County School Board. The BEA-PAC began the selection process in September by inviting all school board candidates to submit their answers to an education issue questionnaire. Mr. Scott Swortzel, from the Blue Ridge district, and Mr. Tim Davidick, from the Valley District, understand the needs of our schools. They each value a positive working relationship with the BEA, the largest employee group in Botetourt County Schools.
Mr. Swortzel has demonstrated his commitment to our schools by his three terms of service on the board. Mr. Davidick has served on the LBHS PTSA as its liaison to the School Board. The BEA-PAC believes that we are very fortunate to have two public education friendly candidates in the Fincastle district, Dr. Beth Leffel and Ms. Dana McCaleb. Both would be assets to our school system. Dr. Leffel has prior experience serving on a school board, and offers expertise in the area of STEM-H. Ms. McCaleb is a former Botetourt County School teacher with significant instructional and training experience and has served as President of James River High School’s PTSA.
We are pleased to have such strong candidates to support. The BEA PAC encourages all Botetourt County citizens to vote on November 5. Sincerely,
Kathleen Morra-Sloan, BEA-PAC.