Botetourt weekend events Oct. 25-27

JRHS home football game Senior Night 7:30
Founder’s Day Dinner, Botetourt Historical Society 6 p.m. Downtown Abbey
Buchanan Theatre: Downtown Abbey 7:30 p.m.
Botetourt Farmer’s Market Season Finale 8:30-12:30
Open Studios Botetourt: Art in the Country. Various sites through out the county. for a map 10- 5
Olivia’s Fanconi Anemia Fundraiser $10 Blue Ridge Vineyard in Eagle Rock, Food, music, fun and auction, door prizes, etc. 1-5
Jeter Farm: Corn Maze and more. 460W 10-5
Trunk or Treat St. Mark’s UMC in Daleville 4:30 -5:30
All kinds of outdoor activities including: The James River, hiking the Appalachain Trail, RaoringRun, Three Parks in Buchanan, Troutville and at the Sports Complex. Addie Grace All Abilities playground at The DTC YMCA.
Fall foilage on the Parkway from Buchanan to Blue Ridge. Great sight!
Open Studios Botetourt, Art in TheCountry, 11-5 various sites. for a map,
Jeter Farm: Corn Maze and more 12-5
Buchanan Theatre, Downtown Abbey 3:00 p.m.