Letter to Editor in support of Beth Leffel for Fincastle School Board

This letter is a first for me. I was in local law enforcement for the past 40 elections and I never thought it was proper to state my political preferences in print, but since my retirement in the Spring, I feel free to do so.
As a lifelong resident of the Fincastle District, I feel this years School Board election is very important for the continued success of our fine school system.
I am putting my support behind Beth Leffel. I have known the Leffel family for at least half my life. They are a fine local family and have lived, worked and grown up here and attended Botetourt County Public Schools. I knew all three of Jack and Mary Lynne’s girls when they were very young. I reconnected with Beth in her adult life about 5 years ago when Jack wanted me to come down to the family farm and bring my beagles to take his grandson rabbit hunting for Christmas.
I talked with Beth and was very impressed with her young son and what she has accomplished in her life and with her extensive education. Since they moved back several years ago we have talked on countless occasions and I am very impressed with her knowledge, education and her previous experience serving on another school board in Virginia as well as serving as chairman of that board.
I know she will be fiscally responsible with our tax dollars while moving the school system forward.
I think this is why she stands out to me. With at least two new board members that will be elected this fall, her previous school board experience and working knowledge will allow her to really hit the ground running.
She will not have the learning curve that others would. This will better allow the School Board and school administration to continue to keep Botetourt schools strong leaders in the region.
I ask that you please take a strong look at Beth’s education and experience and join me in supporting her on election day.
Delbert Dudding, Troutville