LBHS FFA makes applebutter on Sat. Oct. 19, at Ikenberry’s

The Lord Botetourt FFA will be making and selling their annual homemade apple butter at Ikenberry Orchards on Saturday, October 19, 2019, from 9 to 5 pm at the storefront. Each quart will cost $6. The Lord Botetourt FFA has done this fundraiser for years, and the tradition will continue this fall. The members will work hard to make this apple butter from scratch, such as taking the time to peel, cut, and cook the apples. Both the members and community enjoy it! The FFA motto is “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”, and apple butter works towards all four of those categories. The members are not only learning to give back to the community, but they are getting knowledgable experience in the process. |
Submitted by LBHS FFA