Historical Society Founder’s Day Dinner is coming up Oct. 25

The Botetourt County Historical Society has announced plans for its Thirteenth Annual Founders Day Dinner and is inviting the public to purchase tickets for the event. The dinner is scheduled for Friday, October 25, 2019, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The location is the Family Life Center of Fincastle United Methodist Church at 137 South Church Street in Fincastle. Tickets are on sale now for $30 each and must be purchased in advance.
The program includes the announcement of the recipients of the society’s two annual awards. The Emily Gordon Honts Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions toward promoting the history and heritage of Botetourt County and The Garland Stevens Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals who have provided exemplary volunteer service on behalf of the Botetourt County Historical Society and Museum.
Tickets for the dinner are still available but must be purchased in advance They are on sale at The Botetourt County Historical Museum at 3 Courthouse Square, Fincastle or at Digital Image Printing, 1615 Roanoke Road in Daleville, or from historical society board members. For additional information, please contact the Botetourt County Historical Museum at 473-8394 or wmartin@botetourtva.gov.
The dinner is a fundraiser for The Botetourt County Historical Society, Inc. and funds raised from the event are used to fund the operation of The Botetourt County Historical Museum and other programs of the historical society. According to executive director Weldon Martin, “Our annual Founders Day Dinner is the signature event for the historical society each year.
We appreciate the strong support received from our community in attending the event each year. We are also very grateful for the strong corporate support of several local businesses who sponsor the dinner each year and we will be announcing their names at the dinner on October 25. We hope that if you have not purchased your tickets yet you will stop by the museum in Fincastle or Digital Image Printing in Daleville and pick them up.–submitted by Weldon Martin, executive Director, BCHS