A Hotel at Greenfield Center? BoS discussion at last meeting

Botetourt County is considering the placement of a hotel in the Botetourt Center at Greenfield.
The Supervisors at the September 24 meeting heard a request eventually hold a public hearing in order to allow hotels as a special exception in the Research and Manufacturing (RAM) Use District in its zoning guidelines.
Greenfield is the only area so designated at this time.
The Economic Development Authority at its August 30 meeting determined that this change should be made, according to Nicole Pendleton, Director of Community Development in the county’s Planning and Zoning Department. The change is the result of a hotel and conference study commissioned by the county at an earlier date.
A conference or training center is currently allowed in a RAM district. This addition would allow for a hotel to be considered along with a conference center should a private developer desire to build one.
Additionally, staff plans a review of parking requirements for hotels, with the possibility of reduction of space requirements for parking to provide for maximum site utilization based on updated parking standards.
Staff intends to bring the amendments to public hearing within the next three months, or as early as December. The amendment will also have to go before the planning commission.
In 2018, discussions of conference centers and hotels centered around Exit 150. Having such a facility in Greenfield is a new development in the county’s plans. Most of the area around Exit 150 is currently zoned for business (B1, B2, B3), some industry, and/or shopping centers.
Story by Anita Firebaugh, special to the Botetourt Bee. Photo by Cathy Benson