Botetourt County Fire and EMS get grant for Dry Hydants

Fincastle, VA — The Botetourt County Department of Fire & EMS has won a grant from the Virginia Department of Forestry (DoF) for two dry hydrants in the northern part of the County. The two dry hydrants will be installed within the next year at the Gala Loop Boat Ramp and the Glen Wilton Boat Ramp. These dry hydrants help provide additional access to water sources in rural areas where private and municipal water systems do not exist.
“I am thrilled that our fire & EMS staff have been able to secure this grant for northern Botetourt,” said Fincastle District Supervisor Dr. Richard Bailey. “By having these fire fighting resources available, our citizens and businesses can feel that we are better prepared to help them in an emergency.” In recent years, the Department of Fire & EMS has sought dry hydrant grants in an effort to increase readily available access to water sources in rural or remote areas that do not have traditional hydrants. Dry hydrants use existing bodies of water for fire apparatus to tap in order to take up water.
By utilizing these bodies of water, the apparatus can more quickly return to the scene of the fire. County staff took the initiative to seek and apply for the grant. Battalion Chief Brandon Golla lead the effort and worked with other County staff and local DoF personnel to ensure the grant was properly prepared and submitted. The County was notified of the award in July.
“I am proud of the work that Chief Golla and others put into this grant in order to be able to provide better services to the County,” said Chief of Fire & EMS Jason Ferguson. “Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that we get the tools in place to help the people of our Botetourt. The County will continue to seek grants for dry hydrants in the future. The County receives recommendations for locations of dry hydrants from citizens and businesses who have bodies of water with sufficient access available.
–submitted by Cody Sexton, Botetourt County