VDOT Letter to Editor about Northern Botetourt Road Construction

Dear Editor,
Work continues to improve the Route 220 corridor in northern Botetourt County, and we are asking for your help to keep our workers and the public safe during construction.
As we prepare for the school year to begin, it’s a good time to reinforce the focus on enhancing safety on Route 220 as the project work progresses and the work areas change.
We have implemented a second 45-mph reduced speed work zone on the project and have noticed drivers maintaining slower speeds through these sections. We appreciate your help in observing speed limits both within and outside of work areas.
Unfortunately, some drivers are increasing speeds between the zones to make up time in their travels. This tendency puts everyone at risk, including flaggers, construction workers, residents and drivers along the corridor, without making travel noticeably faster. As construction continues, we will be regularly changing the flagging locations, and we ask for your caution along the corridor.
Our goal is to rebuild Route 220 as safely as possible. Achieving this goal requires all of us doing our part. Next time you’re driving on the corridor, please stay attentive to work zones, be ready for slowed traffic, and respectful of speed limits. We are working to ensure safety throughout construction and provide improvements that will be beneficial for years to come.
Fran Burke, Executive Vice President for Faulconer Construction,Design-Build Manager, Route 220 Safety Improvement Project
Rob Griffith, PE, CCM
District Construction Engineer, Salem District
Virginia Department of Transportation
— Submitted by By Jason Bond, PR VDOT Salem