A Taste of Honey
Yum! Honey Tasting Roger Reed and Sarah Melendy talk with members A show and tell by Josh Williams of a trash can honey extractor
A honey tasting, and not a single taste of honey was the same! And every taste was delish!
The Botetourt Beekeepers held a monthly meeting at Ballast Point on August 5. About a dozen bottles of honey and little wooden paddles for tasting lined the table. All but one from Craig County was produced by Botetourt bees.
When the business meeting was over, Sarah Melendy announced, “We have show and tell. We will go table by table for the honey tasting, while each of you shares what you brought.”
As one table would taste, beekeepers that numbered over 25 would do a show and tell of tricks of the trade they have learned. Josh Williams had a honey extractor he made from a big trash can. It was a particular hit with those watching his explanation.
You can often find the membership at the Botetourt Farmer’s Market on Saturdays selling local honey. Give it a try!
The Botetourt Beekeepers meet each first Monday of the month at 6:45 at Ballast Point. They are an active club. They also maintain the Honey Bee Sanctuary at Greenfield and assist with the Botetourt 4H Honeybee Club and give a scholarship to a high school senior who has been in beekeeping.
If you are interested in having a beehive, plenty of expertise among the members, so come see what they have to offer. It’s also $10 burger night there at Ballast Point, so come early and order dinner!
–story and photos by Cathy Benson