Craig Botetourt Electric Cooperative rated will rise in August bill

CBEC has announced rate increase for Virginia members. The local cooperative buys energy from other power companies to be sourced to Botetourt Customers from western Fincastle through Catawba and Northern Botetourt like parts of Eagle Rock.
The company said in a release on FB:
” Effective with the electric bill the member receives during the first week of August, there will be two different rate adjustments. The first of these adjustments will affect the line-item PURCHASE POWER ENERGY on your electric bill. Prior to the adjustment it was $.04405 per kWh. After the adjustment the rate will go up to $.04680 per kWh. This portion of the rate changes each year depending on what the cooperative is charged for the electricity it purchases for the members’ needs. The second of these adjustments will affect the line-item CONSUMER DELIVERY CHARGE on your electric bill. Pursuant to the State Code of Virginia 56-585.3(A)(3), CBEC is having to increase the CONSUMER DELIVERY CHARGE to equal 5 percent of its total distribution revenues, which equates to an overall 2.5 percent increase in total revenues. Prior to the adjustment each account or meter served under the residential tariff was billed $27.60 per month. After the adjustment the charge will go up to $31.35 per month.”
Consumer Delivery costs reflect what it costs to maintain and deliver electricity to the cooperative membership. It last changed in August 2016.
–From Craig Botetourt