Ads on sale now for the Botetourt 250th Anniversary magazine

In the year 2020, Botetourt County will celebrate its 250th anniversary of the county charter. Many events, both historical and entertaining, will take place during the twelve months of 2020. To capture the history and the remarkable growth of the settlement of Botetourt County since 1770, an official anniversary magazine will be published under the leadership of Anita Firebaugh. This publication will include histories of the diverse areas of the county, its businesses and industries, schools, churches, settlers, and places of recreation. Botetourt’s past, present, and future, along with its scenic beauty, will be featured prominently throughout the magazine.
In order to publish this magazine and make it available at no cost for all the county’s families, advertisements are being sold to businesses, organizations, churches, and families to off-set some of the cost of the editing and printing. Please consider purchasing an ad to help showcase beautiful Botetourt County. Several local citizens are working as volunteer salespeople for these ads: Hannah Austin, Barbara Blair, Benton Bolton, DeeDee Bruce, Jessie Burton, Audrey Clark, Christine Kelly, Beth Leffel, Sue Marazzi, and Steve Vaughn.
If you wish to place an ad in the magazine and you have not seen one of the salespeople, please contact one of the co-chairs of the 250th Anniversary Steering Committee: Angela Coon at home, Lois Switzer at 589-2499, Donna Vaughn at 520-6478, or Wendy Wingo at 977-1167. If you should need help creating an ad, please contact Brittany Benson at 309-4624.
Entire Outside Back Cover $3500
Entire Inside Back Page $2500
Entire Inside Magazine Page $1000
1/2 Inside Magazine Page $ 500
1/4 Inside Magazine Page $ 250
1/8 Inside Magazine Page $ 125
1/16 Small Family, Business,
Church or Personal Ad
Inside Magazine $ 75
–submitted by Donna Vaughn