Alam Design Group previews Greenfield Meadows

On Thursday night June 13, Alam Design Group presented the plan for Greenfield Meadows a proposed development near the Botetourt Sports Complex. The meeting took place at Bellacinos. Over 60 people were in attendance.
Greenfield Meadows is proposed for a farm for sale on Etzler Road. Two other developments in the past have been turned down for the farm. It contains about 70 acres with a flood plain.
The proposed development is a PUD (Planned Urban Development) containing over 100 homes and 730 apartment units with a park, walking trails, lake and swimming pools. It would also have some commercial components.
Husein Alam, the lead Architect presented a power point with the PUD details. Homes would fall in the 180 -230 thousand range. He has responded to VDOT ideas on traffic control and said “This the first of many planned community meetings.”
(Editors note: As a general rule in suburban areas, VDOT uses 10 traffic trips per home per day in their calculations.)
He gave an over view of the project that lasted about 15 minutes. Alam then had pizza served to the attendees. After the food, he took Q &A from the assembly.
Danny Kyle of Troutville provided the coverage for the Q & A.
— 2 to 3 year construction period to complete the proposed development.
— Not applied for an application with planning commission as of yet
— 720 apartments noted
— One property owner brought up that the road through Greenfield should be rebuilt to 4 lanes to avoid traffic on Catawba Rd.
— Concern what this development would do to Greenfield Elementary school and the possible need for expansion/cost etc.
— One person said and many agreed we moved here to get out of the city not to have this development in our backyard.
–Additional meetings to come
–Major increase in runoff during storm events. The designer will review and use state policies to control runoff and ensure water quality and control sediment.
Stay tuned for more.
Story by Cathy Benson and Danny Kyle; Photo by Cathy Benson