Local GovernmentNews

Survey meetings are over for Botetourt Comprehensive plan

We have held five community meetings across the County. A huge thank you to all who have attended and provided feedback along the way.

Each meeting summary is available below:

·         Eagle Rock Library (click the hyperlink to view the summary in your browser)

·         Fincastle Library

·         Blue Ridge Library

·         Greenfield Education and Training Center

·         Buchanan Library (NEW!!!)

So what is next? Staff is taking a step back and looking for broad themes from all of the community meetings. We are also sifting through 401 online survey responses. Thank you for all the time and energy you put into the surveys! We will be publishing an overall summary document and creating future land use scenarios based on your comments. Stay tuned for updates. We anticipate more community meetings later in the summer.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome at any time. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Jerod Myers, Long-Range Planner, Botetourt County