Lewis and Clark portrait signs dedicated on May 19

Lewis and Clark are back in Botetourt. Master of ceremonies, Bo Trumbo drew an analogy of the importance of Fincastle to Lewis and Clark on the Eastern Legacy Trail. After coming from St. Louis to Frankfort, Ky and Washington, DC at the end of the Discovery Expedition in 1806, the duo came to Fincastle.
For those who don’t know. Clark dreamed of Julia Hancock in Fincastle on his two year expedition to map the Louisiana Purchase and hoped for a Northwest Passage for President Thomas Jefferson. Clark married Hancock and their marriage license in the courthouse.
Supervisor Billy Martin welcomed the attendees on behalf of Botetourt County.
For about a decade the Eastern Legacy Trail has crept along. “Thanks to Del. Terry Austin, the trail was endorsed by the State of Virginia. noted Peggy Crosson of Fincastle who has tirelessly worked for the Virginia’s Great Valley Lewis and Clark Eastern Legacy project. There are currently 6 markers along the Eastern Legacy Trail in virginia, these two are in Fincastle at the courthouse square.
Paige Cruz a retired park ranger and author spoke about the importance of Lewis and Clark. She is chairman of the Lewis and Clark Heritage Trail Foundation.
Afterward, about 50 people walked over to the Botetourt County History Museum for refreshments.

Photos and Story by Cathy Benson