School Board meeting celebrated success

The School Board celebrated success on Thursday May 9. First, the hiring of a new school superintendent, Lisa Chen, who will join BCPS on July 1. The Board of Supervisors also gave another $50,000 to the budget request to help the shortage in funding.
Some extra funding from the budget will be used for repairs over the summer.
(The Bee has posted the JRHS Governor’s School Science Fair Previously) Daniel Holter represented the group.
JRHS soils team won the state FFA contest and came in mid pack in the National contest. Ellie Holter, Andrew Newcomb, Jacob Fowler represented the group. Bailey Marshall was absent. John Busher won the Region 6 Superintendent of the Year award. He plans to give a $500 scholarship to a graduate planning to become a teacer.
Colonial Elementary students exhibited part of The Hose system used by the school to benefit a type of comradeship among students from all grade levels. Each house as a color, an animal, song and name. They eat lunch together, interact, foster help and friendship for new students. They performed a song for the school board. Cloverdale also has the House system.
After approvals for trips and assorted other business, the school board adjourned to closed session.
