Urban Forestry at DSLCC

The Urban Forestry class, part of the Forest Management Technology Program at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College, planted a crepe myrtle tree behind Scott Hall on the DSLCC Clifton Forge campus in observance of Arbor Day.
Pictured are Billy Newman (kneeling, left), instructor for the class, and DSLCC President John Rainone (kneeling, right). Students standing, from left: Bailey Sanders, Rockbridge County; Jarrod Hix, Botetourt County; Wesleigh Kimlick, Charlotte County; Jarret Taylor, Pocahontas County, WV; Suzanne Ryan, Charlottesville; Austin Angell, King William County; Tyler Jordan, Franklin County; Dalton Harris, Augusta County; Hunter Brown, Bath County; Michael Hinson, Craig County; Chase Shelton, Pittsylvania County; and Zach Whitmore, Bath County.
For more information about the forestry program at DSLCC, contact Program Head Scott Reigel at (540) 863-2894 or email rreigel@dslcc.edu. Registration for summer and fall classes at DSLCC is underway; check the website at www.dslcc.edu for more information.