Commonwealth Transportation Board to hold public meeting in Salem

SALEM – As part of a series of nine meetings around Virginia, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) will conduct a public meeting in Roanoke on Tuesday, May 7, to give citizens the opportunity to share feedback on transportation projects that have been scored and recommended for funding, as well as in transportation initiatives. The public is invited to provide comments on projects and programs to be included in the Fiscal Year 2020-2025 Six-Year Improvement Program (FY2020-2025 SYIP), including highway, rail and public transportation initiatives. The public meeting in Roanoke will start at 4 p.m. at Holiday Inn Tanglewood located at 4468 Starkey Road. Formal public comment on projects proposed to be included in the draft FY2020-2025 SYIP will be accepted. Written comments may also be submitted during the meeting, or they may be mailed or e-mailed afterwards and accepted through May 27, 2019. Prior to the formal public meeting, beginning at 3 p.m., there will also be an open house with information and opportunities for public feedback on the statewide multimodal transportation plan, known as VTrans. Meeting materials will be available at final program, which will be approved at the CTB’s June meeting. Online sources Six-Year Improvement Program:VDOT: DRPT: Comments can be accepted via email or mail by May 27, 2019, to: For roads and highways: or Infrastructure Investment Director, Virginia Department of Transportation, 1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23201 For transit and rail: or Public Information Office, Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, 600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA 23219. For additional information about the CTB, visit –Submitted by the Commonwealth Transportation Board |