Botetourt Weekend Events Apr. 19-21

Fri- Sat-Sun
Five Feet Apart, Buchanan Theatre Fri, Sat 7:30; Sun. 3 p.m.
Five Feet apart, Buchanan Theatre 7:30
Taps. Tunes, Tapas Ballast Point Live Music
Matt Ward for Sheriff Pancake breakfast fundraiser, Don Ho’s in Hollins 7 -10
The UDC Chapter of Fincastle 11 a.m. will be honoring a wonderful WW2 veteran, Marion G. Noel, 93 yrs old at the Fincastle Firehouse
Easter Egg hunt. Fincastle Baptist Church 1 p.m.
Bridges Concert, Daleville Town Center, $5 Fiunds go to Botetourt charities
Five Feet Apart Buchanan Theatre 7:30 p.m.
Easter Sunday all churches in area.
Five Feet Apart Buchanan theatre 3 p.m.
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