Drug Take Back Day is April 27 in 2 locations this year

“Since 2011, Botetourt County has taken up 4,000 lbs of over the counter and prescription drugs on the two per year drug take back days sponsored by the DEA, said Lt. Jeff Stritesky of the Botetourt County Sheriff’s Department. Along with others like the Botetourt Prevention Coalition, Blue Ridge Behavorial Healthcare, RAYSAC, Kroger and interested volunteers, the Sheriff’s Department has set up in the Kroger parking lot at Botetourt Commons. This year a site in Buchanan has been added.
The event is held all over the US and in the Roanoke Valley there are numerous drop off locations. Not only is it safety an issue, but the DEA prevents these drugs from leaching into area water supplies.
The event is held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“Citizens can drive up to the Take Back station in the parking lot and volunteers will take the drugs,” said Stritesky. A uniformed officer will be at both sites.
-“This year we have added a site at Ransome’s Drugs in Buchanan. Look for our site and we will also offer drive -up service,” he said. “
The DEA disposes of the drugs turned in to the Sheriff’s Dept. Another Drug Take Back Day is scheduled yearly in Oct.
Submitted by Lt. Jeff Stritesky, Botetourt County Sheriff’s Dept. File Photo The Botetourt Bee