Career and Court Day at Read Mountain on April 5

Friday, April 5th Read Mountain 8th grade students participated in a mock trial at the Botetourt County Circuit Court, toured the Boteoturt County Jail, and heard from their local Commissioner of the Revenue, Treasurer and County Administrator. When students returned from Fincastle, they participated in a career exploration fair, where over 30 local businesses volunteered their time.
Career Fair Attendees Included:
- Serenity Counseling Center & Wellness
- Roanoke Valley Orthodontics
- Dominion Pathology Associates
- Read Mountain Swim Club
- Jefferson College of Health Sciences
- Carillon Clinic Emergency Department
- Cultivate Wellness, LLC
- Certified Personal Trainer, Hilary West
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Ken Gergely
- Registered Nurse, Kanesha Pittman
- Registered Dental Hygienist, Ellen Prillaman
- Brooke Ward,Registered Dietitian
- Rachel Bray, Non-Profit
- Tribe Fitness
- Cave Hill Dairy Farm and ABS Global
- Bank of Botetourt
- Botetourt County Sheriff Dept.
- Botetourt County Parks and Rec Department
- Restoration Housing
- Morgan Stanley
- Delegate Chris Head
- Bank of Fincastle
- Lord Botetourt High School Work Based learning Program
- Roanoke Cement Company
- Troutville Fire Department
- Paramedic, Botetourt EMS
- Chick-Fil-A Bonsack
- BOCO Fit Rage
- Mill Mountain Zoo
- WSLS- Channel 10
- Farm Credit

Submitted and Photos by Jessica Yates, RMMS