
Jackson River Gov School Science Fair is April 10

The students and staff of Jackson River Governor’s School at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College will hold a Science Fair on Wednesday, April 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. with an awards ceremony at 6:15 p.m. The event will be held in Moomaw Center on the DSLCC campus in Clifton Forge and is open to the public. 

            The Science Fair will include displays of over twenty different science research projects conducted by first year JRGS students from Alleghany, Bath County, Covington, James River and Parry McCluer High Schools. Students will be available to explain each project and answer questions. All projects will be assessed by a team of judges, and six will be selected to receive awards.

            Barbara Kolb, JRGS Research Instructor, and Eddie Graham, JRGS Director, encourage all residents of the DSLCC service region to visit the JRGS Science Fair and see the many unique and interesting projects completed by the students. Students independently researched topics, designed and implemented their own experiments, and analyzed the results.

           “DSLCC is proud to partner with the JRGS, and this Science Fair is the culmination of the great work of our local students,” says DSLCC President Dr. John Rainone.  “Over the years, these projects have been amazing, and I strongly encourage everyone to attend.”

            DSLCC partners with local school divisions and the Virginia Department of Education to operate the Governor’s School. Its purpose is to provide challenging educational experiences for students with advanced interests and abilities in mathematics, science, and technology. High school students take courses on campus at DSLCC during their junior and senior years, earn approximately forty college credits, and gain a prestigious credential which provides an advantage in the very competitive college and scholarship application/selection processes. Students earn a Career Studies Certificate in Science and Mathematics from DSLCC.  With just thirty additional college credits, students may earn an Associate Degree from DSLCC.

            For additional information about the science fair or the school, contact Eddie Graham at or (540)863-2872.

Submitted by JRGS, DSLCC