Weekend Events in Botetourt March 22-24

Fri- Sat-Sun
Mobile Pet Clinic 9-2 Buchanan Town Park. Sponsored by Matt Ward for Sheriff
Friday Fish Fry: fundraiser for Community projects. Church of Transfiguration, 5-7. $10
Live Music 6:30-9:30 Ballast Point
The Least of These: Buchanan Theatre Fri. Sat and 7:30 Sun. 3 p.m.
Turning Point Woman’s Shelter fundraiser at Fit Body Bootcamp, Daleville 8:30- $5
Republican Sheriff’s Candidate Forum 2 p.m. St. Marks UMC Daleville
Shop small shop Saturday 10- 5 p.m. Various small business es all over the county.
The Least of These: Buchanan Theatre 7:30 p.m.
Fincastle Pokemon Gym 2- 4 p.m. Finastle Library
The Least of These: Buchanan Theatre 3:00 p.m.
Check out our Events Calendar thebotetourtbee.com