Four Sheriff Candidates spoke at VFW on Mar. 14

The four sheriff candidates gave a brief speech on components of their platforms at the VFW Hall on Mar. 14. The three Republicans; Vineyard, Ward and Stritesky will face off in the June 11 primary to pick the candidate. Stowell is running as an independent.
Ward went first stressing his community spirit working with his mother on Toys 4 Bot-e-tots. He is in daily contact with the citizens of Botetourt County. He is a 22 year veteran deputy starting after he returned from the military. His platform includes a permanent drug take back program as well as maintaining the safety of children in Botetourt. He believes in improved technology to streamline paper work and communication. Ward is married with two young children.
Stritesky, a lieutenant in Botetourt County Sheriff’s Dept. and has been there for 23 years, stressed his experience. He noted he helped prepare this year’s 8.9 million dollar proposed budget and spoke to the opioid crisis. He has participated since 2009 in the DEA drug take back program with over 4 thousand pounds of drugs turned in to the DEA. He spoke of the supervision of a full service Sheriff’s Department. He has led school resource officers in his position at the SD. He was the first SRO in the county at LBHS. Stritesky is married with two grown children.
Stowell said he is a reformed alcoholic and pardoned felon who wants to keep drug addicts out of prison. He stated he had law enforcement experience in the military years ago. He supports personal liberty and though has no current law enforcement experience, believes as sheriff, he would not enforce a recently signed law that will prevent 18-20 year old’s from smoking cigarettes. He maintains a You Tube channel called Fincastle Underground with 17,000 followers from all over the world and also has an ATM business.
Vineyard sited his military career, followed by his career in police work at Roanoke City from Beat cop to White collar crime detective. He retired in Roanoke City after 25 years. He has also lived in Botetourt County for 25 years. He is married with two grown children and three grand daughters. He currently works in investigations for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Closing, he directed the assembly to visit his website for more info. http://Mikevineyardfor
All four are military veterans.
At the end of the evening, the candidates mingled with the crowd and answered questions one on one. For information about the candidates check out their FB pages and social media.
–story and photo by Cathy Benson