Sheriff candidate Matt Ward talks about technology

In today’s digital society, technology has become a staple in almost every household and its presence in law enforcement agencies is no different. The essential need for, and use of, technology among agencies has become a crucial component for maintaining efficiency of services and combating criminal activity. The Sheriff’s Department understands this dynamic and has recently implemented technology of records management systems (RMS) and computer-aided dispatch (CAD). These technologies will enhance investigative capabilities and increase service efficiencies, providing our mobile officers with the crucial data they need to achieve a higher rate of positive outcomes for investigations.
Dear Editor:
RE: Modernization of Technology
Thankfully, with this recent integration of technology assets, yesterday’s stationary office desk is now the mobile patrol vehicle. Prior to these technological improvements, reports had been hand-written and delivered in person to the Sheriff’s Office. Necessary research for investigations often times required the officer to leave his patrol zones and to shuffle through files at the department, prolonging the investigation timeline and stretching the department’s resources. To minimize loss of coverage from an officer’s areas of responsibility, necessary supplemental coverage had to be coordinated and scheduled. These recent changes increase mobility and affords officers the opportunity to maximize patrol times while minimizing desk time in the office.
Although our authority has jurisdictional boundaries, crime and the criminal enterprise do not. Technology allows the Sheriff Department to streamline communication in and around Botetourt County. Coordinating with other law enforcement agencies is a critical component for ensuring that bad actors are not able to circumvent the rule of law by using jurisdictional boundaries as cover. We must continue to keep pace with technological advancements in order to maintain open and shared lines of communication with our neighboring law enforcement agencies. Doing so will allow us to remain effective at developing leads and identifying suspects who have associations in other jurisdictions.
The initial involvement of a patrol officer in a criminal investigation has a direct impact on its resulting outcome. An officer who utilizes technological assets is more informed, effective and efficient in his or her ability to obtain relevant information that would otherwise overburden the resources of the Criminal Investigation Division. By continuing to equip every patrol officer vehicle with the latest technology, we will enhance our mobile officer’s effectiveness during the investigative process. The benefits of improving upon and embracing technology will provide the necessary operational efficiencies our Department requires. By leveraging the resources available through technology, we will reduce the time spent on administrative paperwork, and keep the patrol officers actively patrolling your neighborhoods. This will reduce response times for calls and allow our deputies to be better equipped to serve you.
You work hard every day for what you have built and established here in Botetourt County. As your Sheriff, I will ensure that we capitalize on every efficiency possible by staying informed of current trends and the technologically sophisticated methods criminals use to perpetrate their crimes. I intend to stay a step ahead of illegal activities that impact you and our community. You and your family will be my top priority!
Matthew T. Ward, Republican Candidate for Botetourt County Sheriff